Thursday, January 28, 2010

Insert Cricket Sound...

I've been so jammed up lately I never got a chance to update this blog. As you might have heard (if you were kind enough to check back here for new content) I have left the IT/database industry for the horology one, have started a new job about a month ago, and am in the process of moving to Switzerland to pursue a new position and embark on a new career. I won't go into the details here and will just point you to my new blog for all the juicy news.

If you've been following my posts on here for the past year or so, I thank you for your readership and, most of all, your precious participation. I've learned a boatload of valuable lessons working on this blog and interacting with you since the early days.

I won't be discussing software and BI issues on here any longer obviously, but if you also happen to be interested in social media, marketing, brand management, community building (oh yeah, and watches!) then as they say back in NYC where I grew up - Meetcha 'round the corner! :)
